Get to Know our History and Beliefs at Las Vegas Church of the Nazarene

Las Vegas Church of the Nazarene began eight decades ago when a Church of the Nazarene in southern California felt a burden for Las Vegas. Rev. Paul and Allie Mae Urschel moved to Las Vegas to plant a church here in 1943 and it was officially organized on January 20, 1944. Since that time, our church has been a story of God’s faithfulness, as that same original burden for Las Vegas has stuck with all of our hearts. Now in our third location in the city, which we arrived at in 1992, we believe that God has a heart for this city. Often called sin city by many people around the world, we have continued to seek to bring God’s Kingdom to Las Vegas as it is in heaven. Our mission statement is “Reaching People with the Transforming Grace of Jesus Christ” and we believe God is helping us do that each and every day!

Our History

Las Vegas Church of the Nazarene is part of the Church of the Nazarene. A global denomination in the Wesleyan tradition.

We believe in one God who has expressed himself in personal ways. We know God’s personality as Father, Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit. 

We believe the Bible communicates God’s saving message and is our reliable authority in all matters related to faith and Christian living. 

We believe that all humankind struggles with a downward pull. 

We believe that unless we experience God’s help and salvation through a faith commitment to Jesus Christ, our future is one of eternal separation from God and all that is good. 

We believe the love and grace of God is extended to every person in the provision Jesus Christ made in his death and resurrection. By turning from our own selfishness and trusting Jesus Christ, we experience a new life, being freed from the old patterns of self–destructive acts called sin. 

We believe our new life in Jesus Christ is the gateway to transformation. Following our moment of faith in Jesus, we believe there is another moment in which we present our life completely to Christ in order to live under his authority and to experience his transforming power. 

We believe that Christian experience is more than a change of mind. It is accompanied by assurance that is grounded in both the Scriptures as well as the inner witness of God’s Spirit. 

We believe that all who live for Jesus Christ have an eternal future. Our belief in such a future includes both the fulfillment of God's creative purpose as well as the accountability of all persons endowed with the power of choice.

Our Beliefs